


Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions.

The site should be open for submissions, but I don't see a blue "+ Create New Abstract" button. What's wrong?

If could be a few different things. Each event has different rules about who can submit abstracts. You might need to be logged in.  You might need to be a member of the BSA. Or you might be in a different time zone than the server, which means that you may be either ahead or behind the open period for submissions by a few hours. Try these steps:

  • Check to make sure you are logged in.
    • If using a desktop browser, you will find the login fields at the top right of the page. If using a phone, you will find the login by clicking on the three white lines at the top of the page and then a drop-down login area will appear.
  • If you have already logged in, click on the "Signed in as [your BotanyID]" button at top right. If you get an error, you may need to log out and login again. You can also click on that button to see all of the events in which you are eligible to submit an abstract at that time.
  • If, when you have logged in, you get a message that says something like "You are properly logged in, but you are not a member of the BSA", then check the eligibility paragraph for the event and see if it requires submitters to be members of the Botanical Society of America. If you are lapsed, or are not a member, you can click here to become a current BSA member.
  • If you renewed or became a member of the Society AFTER you logged in to this site, you will need to log out and and then login again for it to recognize your new status.
  • Check the detail page of your event and see what time zone the applications use for opening and closing the submission period.
  • Some events only allow one abstract per person, have you already submitted an abstract for this event?

How do I contact customer support?

If you need assistance, email

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